That's  me ;-)

Economics & Statistics

 Winter term 2023/24 - 22 January 2024
Economics II: Macroeconomics and Economic Policy -- Winter Term 2023/24
BIM 3rd semester + International Students

Basic Information


Student Platform Aulis

Preliminary schedule:

date presentation Unit - topics Additional information   Material & Links
 all all current public debates about economic Policy Issues

On Nov 8 2023 the Council of Economic Experts published its annual report 2023/24:

Overcoming sluggish growth – investing in the future

Weitere Infos zum Thema (in German):
- Übersicht: Konjunkturprognosen für Deutschland - Die Vorhersagen der Wirtschaftsschätzer (Tagesschau)

Joint Economic Forecasts (english)

 On September 28, the Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2023 was published:

Purchasing power returns
- political uncertainty high


18 Oct


WHY Economics?
WHY Economic POLICY?
review and new aspects

Review of Mankiw principles 5-7 and 8-10 /
Economic dogmata: Theories - Markets - Governments - People
(recall that you find the texts in the reader of last semester



Part D: Foundations of Macroeconomics

14 The National Economy:

National Accounting, Concepts

Most important OBJECTIVE(s)

Hierarchy of goals in (social) market economies


... or not?
What do you think?
What does Mr. Habeck think?

Welcome.pptx &
-> Reader Macroeconomics BIM 2023-24

Annenberg Video @
-> 17 The Great Depression and the Keynsian Revolution (Macroeconomics)

- Social market economy (explainity® explainer video) and from the KAS
- How useful is economics? -> Nobel Laureate Daniel McFadden
- Why inequality matters | Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz
- A Talk between Joseph E. Stiglitz and Olaf Scholz - Forum New Economy, Berlin September 2020
- Paul Krugman and Joe Stiglitz about models and reality - referring to the Institute of New Economic Thinking

German National Accounting @DeStatis:
- Important economic indicators
- current figures:
- National Accounts at a glance (in German: "Wichtige Zusammenhänge im Überblick")

-> Overall economic equilibrium: 50th anniversary of the Magic Square (link unfortunately killed by Destatis)

19 Oct  

Part D: Foundations of Macroeconomics

14 The National Economy:

National Accounting, Concepts

Watch the following screencasts and find more information in the text (book, chapter 14):
- The circular flow of income
- Economic growth and the production possibility curve
- Economic growth and the business cycle

- Eurostat with National Accounts
- Economic indicators at the OECD
- OECD iLibrary - The OECD's Online Library of Statistical Databases, Books and Periodicals (accessible from the campus net - or via VPN) OECD-report: „How's Life? Measuring Well-being“

25 Oct


(no pres. 14)

14 The National Economy:
National Accounting, Concepts and Critiques of GDP

Maximizing Welfare?

-> Critiques of GDP

& Alternative Approaches



+++ OECD Centre +++
- How's Life? 2020: Measuring Well-being
- How`s Life? -- Germany
- OECD Better Life Index (map)

Human Development Index HDI
United Nations Development Programme


- World Economic Forum: What's Wrong with GDP?
- Critiques of GDP

- How can countries measure the well-being of their citizens? (TED institute)

"Monitoring economic performance, quality of life and sustainability" by the German Council of Economic Experts in association with the french Council of Economic Analysis - Joint Report 2010 requested by the Franco-German Ministerial Council to Chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel and french President Nicolas Sarkozy (deutsche Übersetzung: Wirtschaftsleistung, Lebensqualität und Nachhaltigkeit: Ein umfassendes Indikatorensystem). This report (and request) was based on the ...
-> Report of the commission on the measurement of economic performance et social progress 2009
- Joseph Stiglitz - Problems with GDP as an Economic Barometer
- Amartya Sen: Beyond GDP, measures of welfare and sustainability (2/7 ..)

The German Statistical Office (DeStatis) publishes Environmental indicators and also an "Indicator Report - Sustainable Development in Germany" + "Indicator Report 2021: Sustainable Development in Germany"

26 Oct

(no pres. 15)

15 Macroeconomic Issues and Analysis: an Overview

- Employment@DeStatis A

Price Stability
- Measuring inflation – the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) (ECB)
- Price Kaleidoscope (DeStatis) D

Balance of Payments:
- Current German BoP (German) E
- OECD Stats F

Watch the following screencasts and find more information in the text (book, chapter 15):
- Unemployment: Flows into and out of unemployment
- Unemployment: Types of unemployment

- Aggregate demand and supply and the price level
- Demand-pull and cost-push inflation
- Exchange rates

German balance of payments in 2020: Please read page 17 (18) and the "Major items of the balance of payments" p. 29/30

Topics of our first test
• Review of Mankiw principles 5-7
Economic dogmata: Different viewpoints: Neo-Liberal <> Interventionists
Hierarchy of goals in (social) market economies
• Chapter 14: Definitions about GDP, components
   * MC in the presentation
   * Simple calculation of GDP like we did today

* Basic ideas of the ECG (Economy of the common good) and Doughnut Economics



1 Nov



Part E: Macroeconomics
16 Macroeconomics Issues, Debates and Controversies

Annenberg Video @
-> 17 The Great Depression and the Keynsian Revolution (Macroeconomics)

- Data for Consumption Function @Destatis (open "Chain-linked volume data and contributions to growth" at end of page (+ incl. regression)
- Annenberg Video @ 5. John Maynard Keynes

2 Nov

Test 1
@the end of lecture
= 09:30

Alternative Economic Approaches

Teamwork (MÜ): Most important objective(s) - and its consequences:

Scientist for Future: Facts + Statements of Scientists + Sketchnotes + Skeptical Science Global Warming & Climate Change Myths + The Consensus Handbook

For Module Exercise:

Doughnut Economics (Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist)
- Why it's time for 'Doughnut Economics' | Kate Raworth | TEDx
- Re-Writing (Neo-Liberal) Economics

Economy of the Common Good (ECG)
Watch the video: What if the common good was the goal of the economy? | Christian Felber (TEDxVienna) [up to 12:45]

Warm-up questions ;-)
-> Socrative, waiting for the teacher


GapMinder --> Factfulness (the book)

- Rosling@Zeitgeist (2007)
- today Google Public Data Explorer

8 Nov

pres. 17

Maximizing Welfare?
-> Critiques of GDP
& Alternative Approaches

Today we'll finish our discussion of last week:
-> alternative Economic Approaches, esp. ECG
15 Macroeconomic Issues and Analysis: an Overview

Read the ECG-text from our Reader
-> Module Exercise, see below

Economy of the Common Good (ECG)
- Watch the video: What if the common good was the goal of the economy? | Christian Felber (TEDxVienna) [up to 12:45]
- text in our reader 23/24
- Webpage EcoGood:
- ECG company database
- ECG Matrix -> find the ICG of HSB

- Carbon Pricing (World Bank), Carbon Pricing
- State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2019
Report of the high-level commission on carbon prices

Economy for the Common Good
A Common Standard for a Pluralist World?
International Conference at Hochschule Bremen: Programme
The first university in Germany to create a Common Good Balance

Limits to Growth
Wiki: First edition (1972), 2004 Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update A synopsis to: Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update- all by Dennis Meadows and others. Presentation of 2005.
- Talk by Dennis Meadows at the Population Institute (video part 1)
- Talk by Dennis Meadows at the Population Institute (video part 2 - start at 5.50)

9 Nov pres. 16  

On Nov 8 2023 the Council of Economic Experts published its annual report 2023/24:

Overcoming sluggish growth – investing in the future


Weitere Infos zum Thema (in German):
- Übersicht: Konjunkturprognosen für Deutschland - Die Vorhersagen der Wirtschaftsschätzer (Tagesschau)

15 Nov

17 Short-run Macroeconomic Equilibrium
' Income-Expenditure Model

- The Keynesian National Income Determination Model: the 45° line (MP4 version)
- The Keynesian National Income Determination Model: The consumption function (MP4 version)
- The Keynesian National Income Determination Model: Withdrawals functions (W = S + T + M) (MP4 version)

16 Nov

Class takes place ONLINE, please find the Zoom-Link in AULIS


Test 2

17 Short-run Macroeconomic Equilibrium
' Income-Expenditure Model

Fiscal Policy and Balanced Budget Multiplier by Haavelmo (-Theorem)

- Equilibrium in the Keynesian National Income Determination Model: (a) W = J (MP4 version)
- Equilibrium in the Keynesian national income determination model: (b) Y = E (MP4 version)
- The Keynesian Multiplier :The withdrawals and injections approach (MP4 version)

- Deflationary and inflationary gaps (MP4 version)
- Unemployment and inflation in the Keynesian model (MP4 version)

Example for the "Multiplier rounds"

Topics of test 2

• Types of Economic Policy / Schools of Econoomic Thought

• Chapter 17: Keynesian Economics
  o General idea (provided in the Annenberg video)
  o Idea of the consumption function:
     - understand Caut and MPC => values of C, AD, ...
     - be able to compute the equilibrium

22 Nov

---> Test 2

pres. 18

17 Short-run Macroeconomic Equilibrium
' Income-Expenditure Model

Fiscal Policy and Balanced Budget Multiplier by Haavelmo (-Theorem)

For today, everyone watches (in MÜ 21 Nov):

Annenberg Video @
-> 17 The Great Depression and the Keynsian Revolution (Macroeconomics)

Today we'll discuss your findings of (the history of) Keynesian thought:
-> What do we learn for today's economic situation?

-> in the December-Blog I am specifically interested in your opinion about the parts of the learning portfolio: which are good, which might be replaced, do you see alternatives? Please keep in mind that less than 3 parts do not make a lot of sense. Should there be more self-responsibility of the students?

YOU are invited to attend the EFA-Symposium 2023

23 Nov

class takes place @ the EFA-Symposium (Haus der Wissenschaft)

(incl. EFA Praxisgespräche)

17 Short-run Macroeconomic Equilibrium
' Income-Expenditure Model

Fiscal Policy

29 Nov

pres. 19

Fiscal Policy and Balanced Budget Multiplier by Haavelmo (-Theorem) 


Topics of our third test

• Chapter 17: Keynesian Economics
  o Basic assumptions and model
  o Idea of the consumption function (understand Caut and MPC)
  o Equilibria in the model including the multiplier
  o Multiplier (definition, application)
  o Balanced Budget Multiplier

• Types of Economic Policy

Chapter 18: Money, Banks and Interest rates
  o meaning and functions of money
  o what should count as money


30 Nov





Test 3

chapter 17: 17.3, 17.4
- Review & discussion


18 Money and Interest Rates
-> European Central Bank ECB

- The Liquidity Trap by Roger K. Strickland (YouTube)
- Please read Box 20.2 "Riding a Switchback"

- "What is Inflation?", Basket of goods, HICP ... @ECB
- "Inflation diagnostics" (ECB Blog vom 25.11.22)
- CPI - Consumer Price Index @DeStatis (Statistisches Bundesamt)
- Price Kaleidoscope, also at DeStatis

- The supply of money: the creation of credit (MP4 version)
- The supply of money curve (MP4 version)
- The demand for money (MP4 version)
- Equilibrium in the money market (MP4 version)




 Main Source : European Central Bank ECB, Educational Sources:
- European Monetary Union explained
- The European Centrag Bank (EU Parlament)
- ECB video: The History of the European Central Bank
- ECB video:
Monetary Policy Instruments (2008
)           (TARGET 2 = Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System)


6 Dec

pres. 20

pres. 23

18 Money and Interest Rates
-> European Central Bank ECB

Monetary Policy -->


Economic Policy issues
Schools of Economic Thought                                                          -->

- definitions of monetary aggregates - MFI information - Inflation
- ppt used in class

Some Videos "Fight of the Century" / Fear the boom and the bust
- "Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
- Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two
and more information like "The Tale of the Dueling Economists".
Texts of the videos


7 Dec

pres. 21

pres. 22

The international day starts after our class
(or is someone involved at 9:30?)

18 Money and Interest Rates
-> European Central Bank ECB

19 The Relationship between the Money and Goods Markets 

Economic Policy issues
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the IS-LM model
- back to
Schools of Economic Thought


Please watch the relevant videos ("Audio animations") in the textbook resources of our book   
   13 Dec

pres. 24

18 Money and Interest Rates
-> European Central Bank ECB

19 The Relationship between the Money and Goods Markets 


Economic Policy issues
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the IS-LM model
- back to
Schools of Economic Thought







 Main Source : European Central Bank ECB, Educational Sources:
- European Monetary Union explained
- The European Centrag Bank (EU Parlament)
- ECB video: The History of the European Central Bank
ECB video: Monetary Policy Instruments (2008)           (TARGET 2 = Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System)

- definitions of monetary aggregates - MFI information - Inflation
- ppt used in class

Some Videos "Fight of the Century" / Fear the boom and the bust
- "Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
- Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two
and more information like "The Tale of the Dueling Economists".
Texts of the videos

14 Dec

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics

(NO pres. 25)


Test 4

chapter 19 The Relationship between the Money and Goods Markets +
20 Fiscal and Monetary Policy
-> IS/LM model
(chs. (18.4/5), 19.5; 20.4)

IS/LM - a model of the macroeconomy

Economic Policy issues
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the IS/LM model
- recall the
Schools of Economic Thought ...

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
Allocation of teams and roles -> see table below.
Please download, (print) and READ the material available in our AULIS-Group - and in your teams' dropbox directory!

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics - Introduction by the lecturer
- each team please select one contact person. I need the mobile phone numbers of these contact persons.

Topics of test 4

• Types of Economic Policy / Schools of Econoomic Thought

• Chapter 18: Money, Banks and Interest rates
  + what is money / functions of money
  o Topics from ECB-presentation
  o Esp. Monetary policy instruments
  o Inflation target of the ECB / inflation / deflation
  + Monetary aggregates (M0, M1, ....)
  + Money creation

   20 Dec

(pres. 26 -> January)

(pres. 27 -> January)

21 Fiscal and Monetary Policy:
IS/LM model
(ch. 19.3; 20.3)

22 Long-term Economic Growth
23 Supply-side Policies  


Some Videos "Fight of the Century" / Fear the boom and the bust
- "Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
- Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two
and more information like "The Tale of the Dueling Economists".
Texts of the videos

... and why not enjoy: Deck the Halls with Macro Follies

21 Dec


Simulation Game TopSim


Part F: The World Economy

24 International trade  
25 The Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates


(Workshop on Negotiation skills
(preparation for the simulation game)

  Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics:
Pre-Presentation by teams
- (each team selects one expert for each sector, so that each expert group consists of 6 people NO expert teams ...)
  all teams present their sector
~10 minute presentation to the class about:
o Who are we? Which is our role in the economy? What are our objectives?
o Which decisions need to be made?
o What effects are expected on your own sector?
o What effect do these decisions have for the economy as a whole?

You can (and should!) ask questions about your team's/sectors's topics/decisions (check their office hours or make appointments via email)
- companies: Prof. Dr. Stephan Form,
- banks: Prof. Dr. Carola Spiecker-Lampe,
- CWS, government: Peter Schmidt,

The team grade for the simulation game results from your participation and engagement in the game, which is documented in the final presentation (end of January, see below). As the teams are relatively big, you can divide them so that some team members deliver the pre-presentation in December and others the final presentation in January. All team members that are listed in the ppt of the final presentation will be awarded the points for the simulation game (so if you team decides that you didn't participate enough and doesn't list your name there, you're not awarded any points for the games).



A 01


(no class on Wed, 10 January)

new Year


We start the game with a general orientation and your questions

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics 

1st round (= period 2)

You have to be prepared =
- HANDBOOKs available (printed or pdf)
- KNOW your roles and tasks => we can start the negociations soon
- at least one team member has the participant SOFTWARE INSTALLED on her/his computer (Windows!)
- make sure you use the DropBox APP on your computer (locally, not only in web-browser,
see my screencast in AULIS)

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics 1st round (= period 2)

-> Schedule for our first round = P2

11 Jan


(no module exercise this Thur, 11 January in the afternoon)

Individual Presentation: Inflation

Test 5

- " -  Analysis & Discussion

Part F: The World Economy
24 International trade
25 The Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates 

- Feedback and discussion of results and experiences of the 1st round (= period 2)




Topics of test 5

• Chapter 18: Money, Banks and Interest rates
• The parts of chapters 19 -23 that we discussed in class / presentations
  - discussion questions from presentations
  - 4 macroeconomics markets (parameters, real <> monetary)
  - IS/LM model of Macroeconomic Equilibrium (definitions) and
      Gov/Central Bank interventions
      "What happens if ..." M changes, G changes ...

• Simulation game: basic definitions from the handbook / pre-presentations of the teams



A 01

(no class on Wed, 17 January)

*** Evaluation ***
please let me know, what you think about this class
(until 19 January)

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
- period 3

18 Jan

(no Kahoot as no students attended Tuesdays class)

X: how Automation affects the Macro Economy

pres. 26

- " -   Analysis & Discussion

26 Global and Regional Interdependence
27 Economic Problems of Developing Countries

- Feedback and discussion of last rounds *** Evaluation ***
please let me know, what you think about this class
(until 19 January)
24 Jan

"unfortunately, it has not been possible to complete the evaluation survey for the course “Economics II” within the degree programme BIM BA, due to the limited number of responses (fewer than 4)."

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
- period 4

Topics of test 6

- IS/LM model of Macroeconomic Equilibrium (definitions) and
      Gov/Central Bank interventions
      "What happens if ..." M changes, G changes ...

• The parts of chapters 24 - 27 that we discussed in class / presentations
• General topics of the class: Schools of Economic Thought - (Types of) Economic Policy - Measuring Welfare
• Simulation game: definitions from handbooks / pre-presentations of the teams
• Lessons learned from the simulation game up to now

25 Jan

Test 6

16:15 pres. 22
pres. 27

- " -   Analysis & Discussion

27 Economic Problems of Developing Countries

  - Feedback and discussion of last rounds
31 Jan  

Final presentations of teams

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics

Part F: The World Economy
24 International trade
25 The Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates


please upload your presentations until Tuesday 16:00 !!

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics - Final presentations of teams: (~ 15 min)
- basic results of your sector
- basic results for the economy as a whole
- what did you learn for your sector?
- what did you learn about Economics?
- what are advantages and disadvantages of the simulatioin game TopSim?
- do you recommend to use TopSim in future classes / what should be changed?
- ... (+ your own aspects!)
these questions are not a structure to be followed point after point but aspects that should help you to prepare your concluding presentation containing your "message" about the simulation game.

1 Feb

further topics



Review and conclusion
+ YOUR questions


26 Global and Regional Interdependence

27 Economic Problems of Developing Countries

Feedback and Review

Please watch the relevant videos ("Audio animations") in the textbook resources of our book 

Video about economic approaches: "60 Second Adventures in Economics"

Some Videos "Fight of the Century" / Fear the boom and the bust
- "Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
- Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two
and more information like "The Tale of the Dueling Economists".
Texts of the videos


Module exercise (ME): The tasks of the module exercise normally refer to the topics discussed in the last week(s). The numbers refer to the chapter in the textmook (Sloman: "End of chapter questions").
       Parts of the ME will take place doing the Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics, details will be discussed in class


All students

  Simulation Game
Firm 1
Firm 2
Bank 1
Bank 2
Advocacy groups / CWA

names of students
-> allocated in October







Jan Niklas






1. week

Thu, 19/10
(in class)

Teamwork (houses) 1

Read and discuss the

Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2023

Energy Crisis: Inflation, Recession, Welfare Loss

What are from your viewpoint the most important / most interesting findings of the report?

Chose one indicator other than GDP and present
- the findings of the forecast
- further information you found about it

Define questions that you find interesting for our class

What are from your viewpoint the most important / most interesting findings of the report?

Chose one indicator other than GDP and present
- the findings of the forecast
- further information you found about it

Define questions that you find interesting for our class

What are from your viewpoint the most important / most interesting findings of the report?

Chose one indicator other than GDP and present
- the findings of the forecast
- further information you found about it

Define questions that you find interesting for our class

What are from your viewpoint the most important / most interesting findings of the report?

Chose one indicator other than GDP and present
- the findings of the forecast
- further information you found about it

Define questions that you find interesting for our class

What are from your viewpoint the most important / most interesting findings of the report?

Chose one indicator other than GDP and present
- the findings of the forecast
- further information you found about it

Define questions that you find interesting for our class

What are from your viewpoint the most important / most interesting findings of the report?

Chose one indicator other than GDP and present
- the findings of the forecast
- further information you found about it

Define questions that you find interesting for our class

House-Work to
no class in 2nd week Tue, 24/10
3rd week Thu, 2/11

Critiques of GDP - Measuring Sustainable Development

(See also the Joint Report for the
Franco-German Ministerial Council: "Monitoring economic performance,
quality of life and sustainability
"), esp. the dashboard on p. 27

In the Report of the "Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi commission" on the Report of the commission on the measurement of economic performance et social progress 2009 the authors deliver 12 recommendations. Each team is requested to present a brief (~ 5-7 min.) summary of two recommendations -------->

In the Executive summary (p.7-18) each recommendation is described in one paragraph but you are also invited to refer to the more detailed part of the report or/and other sources.

Recommendations 1 and 2

Recommendations 3 and 4 Recommendations 5 and 6 Recommendations 7 and 8
Recommendations 9 and 10
Recommendations 11 and 12

House-Work to
 week 4 Tue, 7/11

Teamwork (houses) 2

Recall of Mankiw principles 5-7 and 8-10 (in class) (recall that you find the texts in the reader Economics I)

Teamwork: Most important objective

-> Doughnut Economics (Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist)
- Why it's time for 'Doughnut Economics' | Kate Raworth | TEDx
- Re-Writing (Neo-Liberal) Economics

Work on the ideas of Doughnut Economics

+ discuss the approach in your house-team

+ present and discuss the THREE most important issues from your viewpoint

Combine your analysis with (Mankiws) principles 5-7

Work on the ideas of Doughnut Economics

+ discuss the approach in your house-team

+ present and discuss the THREE most important issues from your viewpoint

Combine your analysis with (Mankiws) principles 5-7

Discussion of the "Economy of the Common Good" approach
based on your research.
-> present and discuss the THREE most important issues from your viewpoint
- what are the functions of the CG balance?
- describe some firms, universities and/or commCG balances

What if the common good was the goal of the economy? | Christian Felber (TEDxVienna) [up to 12:45]

Text from our

Discussion of the "Economy of the Common Good" approach
based on your research.
-> present and discuss the THREE most important issues from your viewpoint
- what are the functions of the CG balance?
- describe some firms, universities and/or commCG balances

What if the common good was the goal of the economy? | Christian Felber (TEDxVienna) [up to 12:45]

Text from our

Climate change and economic development.
- carbon taxes: how they work + their impact
- ideas of scientists / fridays / Economists ... for future
Presentation of another alternative approach of Economics

week 5 Thu, 16/11


Teamwork (houses):

On Nov 8 2023 the Council of Economic Experts published its annual report 2023/24:

Overcoming sluggish growth – investing in the future

Houses Beta thru Foxtrot
Work out the key messages about your ------------>
topic (house presentation 17 Nov.)

Compare the key findings of the GCEE

On September 28, the Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2023 was published:

Purchasing power returns
- political uncertainty high


Low potential output growth Fragmentation and low liquidity of capital markets Rising risk of poverty and stagnating lower incomes Growing financing needs of the statutory pension scheme (GRV)

Insufficient national research data infrastructure in Germany

+ universities

6 Tue, 21/11
7 Thu, 30/11
8 Tue, 5/12
9 Thu, 14/12
10 Tue, 19/12
11 Thu, 11/1
12 Tue, 16/1
13 Thu, 25/1
14 Tue, 30/1


ALL teams please prepare EoC-question 1 (ch 17) = letters ->



(b and c)










(t.b.a.) Have a look at this exam (I'm aware that you don't know task 1 yet, nor 3-2 and 3-3 -- and of course your test will still only be 30 minutes) task 2 but using:
C = 1000 + 0.8 Y
 task 2 but using:
C = 2000 + 0.9 Y
 3.1 (own research)  4.2 in your own words (and perhaps some own research), don't use my ppt, we all know that.  4.4 in your own words (and perhaps some own research)  4.1 (own research)

All Teams please perform a regression analysis for the consumption function for ...
(You might find data sources at the Statistische Bundesamt, ECB, IMF, ... There are also some links below)

... the USA

... France

... Germany

... England (/ GB)

... Ireland

... Spain


EoC-question chapter 18

+ search the current conditions of the ECB: Main refinancing instrument, standing facilities, minimum reserve


EoC-question chapter 20

We might do tasks together in class: MacroExamSoSe10.pdf

Pre-Presentation by teams or experts -
Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
 Pre-Presentation by teams or experts -
Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
 Pre-Presentation by teams or experts -
Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
 Pre-Presentation by teams or experts -
Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
 Pre-Presentation by teams or experts -
Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
 Pre-Presentation by teams or experts -
Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics
Jan/Feb 2021 Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics - Presentations by the teams we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise

Simulation Game TopSim Applied Economics

we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise we'll play the simulation game during class time and in the module exercise
  Simulation Game - Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Presentation



Final Test 2019 (40 minutes.- might incl. MC questions)
- topics as discussed last week (Contents_of7th_edition.doc -> Macro)
To prepare you might want to work on the tasks for the Module Exercises as well as the "Test your Knowledge" of the chapters on

- example from 2015/16 (30 minutes - recall that ours is 40 minutes)

Data Sources:


 Quotations form the book of Thomas Friedman: "The World is flat":
- For some, particularly among the older generations, this was an unwelcome transformation. Communism was a great system for making everyone equally poor. In fact, there was no better system in the world for that than Communism. Capitalism made people unequally rich, and for some who were used to the plodding, limited, but secure Socialist lifestyle--where a job, a house, an education, and a pension were all guaranteed, even if they were meager--the fall of the Berlin wall was deeply unsettling. (p. 51/52)
- ... to some degree Mikhail Gorbachev's hapless efforts to reform something that was unreformable brought communism to an end. But if I had to point to one factor as first among equals, it was the information revolution that began in the early- to mid-1980s. Totalitarian systems depend on a monopoly of information and force, and too much information started to slip through the Iron Curtain, thanks to the spread of fax machines, telephones, and other modern tools of communication. (p 54)

 Interesting Economics-related links (arranged by Christopher Langelage - in memoriam)

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